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You probably should feel tired and restless. If you have been smoking for a long time, your body will be addicted to the nicotine. Most likely, you will desire the cigarettes still, but stay strong.

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Q: How should you feel 6 days after quitting cigarettes?
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2 to 3 days, while this time period you will feel restless and energless. use high amount of water to take this out of your body.

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These feelings, when they persist or are severe, are never "normal" and should be discussed with a healthcare provider.

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You'll be malnourished,overdosed on caffeine and nicotine,and oxygen depleted. Feel better?

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It depends to be honest, if you feel uncomfortable on tiktok, or displeased, you have full rights to quit, but if you feel happy on tt, you can stay on it ^o^! like basically, if tiktok is affecting your well being, or how you feel, or anything else that's negative. I recommend quitting.

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heavy metals

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Just like quitting any other drug, quitting ecstasy makes you feel the opposite effects that it gives you. You will feel tired, unfocused, and unhappy. The effects usually only last a few days at the most. However, ecstasy abuse can permanently damage the endorphin receptors in your brain, literally making you unable to be as happy as you were before. In this case, taking more will only make the problem worse.

Smoking On Air?

Quitting smoking is one of the things that people having a hard time with. If you are thinking about quitting, there is a new solution for you. Electric smokers are now available for you to purchase. The smokers look like cigarettes, but they do not have all of the nicotine that cigarettes have. Most of them are filled with water, and as you smoke the cigarette, it makes you feel like you are really smoking. The act of smoking is supposed to make you feel like you are still getting the same affect, but without the nicotine, you don't have the cravings like you did before. Smoking is a dangerous thing to do. Most people who smoke know that. You can try using a nicotine patch to give you the same level of nicotine until you decrease the amount in your system, but this does not give you the physical action of smoking that you have been accustomed to. The physical act of lighting a cigarette and inhaling is what many people get addicted to. If you can use something that gives you that feeling without the harmful drugs, then this could be the best solution for you. Electronic cigarettes can be purchased at most pharmacies. Some pharmacies might require a prescription, but you can usually find one that has a supply that you can purchase over the counter. You can also purchase the electronic cigarettes online through companies that sell them. They might be a little more expensive than normal cigarettes, but they will be healthier for you in the long run. You won't have to keep buying cigarettes each day or week. You will save money on lighters that you would purchase with cigarettes as well as other items that you need for cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes are a safe alternative to smoking. They are good for people who are older and know that they need to quit but can't.

What do you do after you are diagnosed with Swine Flu?

take tamiflu for 5 days then you should feel fine

After 10 days it sho?

After 10 days it should not feel tender, but if there is is no swelling or redness then it is likely painful because of the nerve damage

Why did I feel GREAT for two-three weeks after stopping adderall then out of the blue I just did not want to leave the house for days at a time?

Like an drug your body can become addicted to it. Everyone eventually gets the depressed feeling after quitting adderll (expect luck douchebags).

Can a supervisor tell an employee that you quit?

No. Quitting is when you chose to leave the place you work at. A supervisor can not control how you feel towards the job. However, if a supervisor doesn't feel like this is the job for you they can fire you.