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You are not supposed to inhale a cigar. But even at that a small amount will enter the lungs.

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Q: How much smoke does the lumb take from a cigar?
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How many worms would it take to smoke a cigar?

None, as worms don't smoke......... :)

What types energy is smoke?

smoke is not energy ... it is that smoke particles take way heat from the origin(cigar or something )...

If you smoke a cigar is it the same as 10 cigarettes?

There might be 4 times the tobacco. 4 cigarettes are worse for you than 1 cigar. Most people don't inhale cigar or pipe smoke, so it drastically decreases the chances of cancer of the lungs or throat, especially if it's only 1 cigar.

How much do you cut off a Cuban cigar?

By clipping a cigar, you are simply removing the covered end in order to allow for air and smoke to be drawn through the cigar. You don't need to take very much off. A Cuban cigar roller once taught me to simply remove the cap of a cigar with my finger nails. This can normally be accomplished successfully, but you've got to be careful not to tear the wrapper.

Will having smoked 1 cigar in a lifetime be damaging in any way?

The only danger in smoking one cigar would be if you are tempted to smoke another one, which eventually can lead to nicotine addiction. It is better not to take the chance. Just say no to tobacco. - - - - - The addictiveness of nicotine is directly related to the pH of the smoke. Cigarettes, which are addictive, have acidic smoke. Cigars have alkaline smoke, and they don't seem to be as addictive as cigarettes. Some cigar smokers never get addicted although they've smoked for years--they can stop smoking cigars for a few weeks and not suffer withdrawal. As to the question: no, one cigar in a lifetime won't hurt you.

What type of energy is smoke?

Smoke contains thermal energy, which is produced from the combustion of its source material. This thermal energy is converted to kinetic energy in the form of the movement and dispersal of smoke particles.

How much time does 1 cigar take off your life?

I doubt there is evidence of one cigar taking away years of your life. Moderation is key. I guess unless you choke on it and die.

What is a marijuana blunt?

lol there is no suc thing as a smoking blunt you smoke a blunt a blunt is a ciggar fiilled with weed

How many minutes does a cigar take away from your life?

I asune that is 12 minutes per cigar

Can inhaling cigar smoke kill you?

Not deadly, some people do. I would not recommend it. You certainly do not need to in order to enjoy the cigar. And yes, inhaling cigar smoke is nearly as bad for as as inhaling cigarette smoke .

How do you make cigars?

you are not supposed to inhale a cigar unless you want to vomit. You keep it in your mouth and exhale.AnswerThe exact same way, inhale then exhale, but first you need to make a hole( biting it and spitting the piece out, or using a cigar cutter...) in the rounded end, since it is completely closed off. Except you're supposed to only light them with matches after the initial flare up of the match, since the sulfur in the matches ruins the favor, as does the various lighter fluids. AnswerYou don't inhale. If you are a smoker(10+ cigerettes a day) then inhaling is fine. not recommended if its your first cigar, or your first goodcigar. please note, for the love of god, do not "bite" off the end. experienced cigar smokes can but for a noob the its a big no no. you'll bite off to much and loose the wrap.AnswerYou treat your cigar like a fine wine tasting. You breathe it in, enjoy it in your mouth, then exhale. I suggest to never to chew or bite off the cap. For the reason stated above. You can always get cheap cigar cutters for less than $10. Much easier that way. The end of the cigar that is lit is called the foot, and where you cut is called the head. The head has on top of it called the cap. There is a seam that connects the body(the cigar) to the cap. You want to cut the cap off right before the seam connects. That way you can get a good draw when you puff, and not have the head of the cigar unwravel. Which isn't the end of the world, if you do. Most cigar experts aka cigar aficinados have done so before when we have first started. I am a match guy myself, since I have ruined the cigar with someone trying to help with a Zippo. There are Zippos for cigars, but that one wasn't one of those. I tasted the gas with my cigar. As you light your cigar, you take puffs like you would with a cigarette, though you have to rotate so the whole foot is lit. A good sign of a noobie, is one who doesn't light the foot entirely. Another one of those classic signs that almost all cigar smokers have done before. Cigar smoking is as I said before, is like wine tasting. When you smoke a cigar, make sure you have time to finish, your cigar. For it is about leisure, not about your next fix. So when lighting it up, you should take your time and not worry about it. You are relaxing and most likely sitting down.To really appreciate your cigar, smoke slowly and not draw too frequently, which will heat it and spoil the taste. You should take about a puff a minute. To smoke a corona should take about one half hour, and the bigger cigars such as a Churchill or a Double Corona can take more than an hour. Other than that, there are many times that are especially good for cigar smoking - after meals being a particularly popular choice. There's nothing quite like relaxing in a comfortable chair with a cigar and a nice stiff drink. A good rule of thumb is to always allow yourself at least an hour to properly appreciate the cigar.

How much time does it take to smoke fish?

Lol amount.