Yes. All cigars made with tobacco contain nicotine.
Cigars can cause bronchitis, lung cancer (both of which could kill you), and so much damage that it could kill you. Solution - Don't inhale cigars.
none. cigars are just tobacco the only other thing in bullseye cigars are the flavouring. but they are still very dangerous
Logan prefers Cohiba cigars, but he'll pretty much smoke any cigar he can get his hands on.
Depends on what cigars you like and how many you smoke. If you smoke one Phillies a week, cigars will cost you less than if you smoke one box of Ashtons a day.
The cigars most people smoked cost five cents. Really expensive cigars were a dollar.
Yes, you can become much more relaxed.
In bc Canada they come to about 12 dollars
your lungs turn black if you smell it to much and you can die from it
Personally, i appreciate "Black and Mild's" "Wine" flavored cigars. ---- Hand made cigars are much better than machine made ("drug store") cigars. They use better ingredents. Answer: Hand rolled that are "only" tobacco... Camacho is one of my favorites.
depends on price of cigerettes or cigars you are smoking a month