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Collagen is the major structural protein in the skin. It constantly deteriorates and is replaced by cells in the underlayer of the skin called the dermis. Smoking dramatically decreases production of collagen by these cells, the skin's support by collagen is reduced, and wrinkles form.

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15y ago

Probably. Smoke's smoke, the difference in composition from tobaccosmoke may differ, but principally it's in all likelihood the same. You will smoke less marijuana than tobacco, however, so result will be accordingly.

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Q: How does smoking tobacco cause wrinkles?
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What are the consequences of smoking tobacco?

Stained teeth, smelly clothing, wrinkles, and lung cancer come from smoking.

How much caffeine will not cause wrinkles?

Any amount of caffeine has the possibility to cause wrinkles. Other factors contribute to wrinkles such as smoking, sun exposure, and age.

What happens to your lip when smoking?

Smoking cause wrinkles on the upper lip, and darken both.

Can tobacco from smoking cause smog?

Yes, theoretically speaking, tobacco can cause smog. However, this will only be the case if the smoking area is extremely small. Therefore, in reality, smog won't be caused simply by smoking tobacco.

Can smoking tobacco cause miscarriage?

yes it can.

What happens when your lip is swollen after smoking?

Smoking cause wrinkles on the upper lip, and darken both.

How do you reduce nicotine in lungs?

By quitting tobacco smoking or switching to non-smoking tobacco products. Non-smoking tobacco products still can cause mouth cancer and high blood pressure; there is no safe tobacco.

Smoking or chewing tobacco does not cause bad breath?


Talumpati about smoking?

Smoking is the inhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco encased in cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. Smoking is an addiction. Tobacco contains nicotine, a drug that is addictive. Smoking is the largest cause of preventable death in the world. Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals. About 70 of them are known to cause cancer.

Can you become addicted to smokeless tobacco?

No. Becuse even if you take smokeless tobacco on a plane then you will get in trouble because even though it's smokeless it's still not safe when on a plane.

Is dipping or chewing tobacco is just dangerous as smoking it?

Yes, dipping or chewing tobacco is just as dangerous as smoking. It isn't only the smoke from the cigarette that can harm you, it is the tobacco and other chemicals in the tobacco product.

How does smoking cause bronchitis?

Chemicals in tobacco irritate the lining of your bronchial tubes.