After 3 years of continuous smoking you increase your chances by 99.9% of getting lung cancer. Smoking will not only kill you it can kill your loved ones too. The secondhand smoke can be inhaled by kids, animals, other adults, and teens, inhaling the smoke can be deadly and you can stop that happening by not smoking. When you smoke, your lungs turn black with tar and sometimes you can end up with a hole in your neck. that would look weird if someone hade a hole in there neke they couldn't drink or eat. unless yu put it through the hole
The chemicals in the cigarette damage our lungs from being sucked in.
These chemicals are not meant to be breathed in, and the chemicals, bacteria and whatever is in there hurts us.Smoking leads to heart attacks, blood problems, clots, and many more problems that kill thousands of people each year.
Cigarettes should be banned because they can damage your lungs.
if they are lit, then they can damage your lungs and throat
yes people die bc the tar in cigarettes damage the lungs and they either die or have to get a breathing hole.
does a cigarettes affect the lungs \
Tar is the chemical found in cigarettes that blackens the lungs. Tar is a sticky substance that is released when tobacco is burned, and it contains various harmful chemicals that can cause damage to the lungs over time.
what do cigarettes do to your lungs ? by khiana
Nothing ... ? Weed doesn't damage any parts of the body. It is often associated with Tobacco (cigarettes) smoking and therefore are deemed "harmful to the lungs". However, weed doesn't damage the lungs and if it does, extremely minimal damage is caused. WEED DOESNT KILL, IT HEALS AND ONLY HEALS.
your lungs. quit smoking.. very bad for you.
You can NEVER smoke cigarettes safely...EVER. They are poisinous, and can seriously damage your lungs. You CANNOT smoke safely, unless your smoking niccorette, which helps smokers quit smoking. Hope this helps : )
Tar is very bad for you and your lungs. it is inside cigarettes and smoking is very bad for your lungs (turns them black).
Cigarettes cause lung cancer, and I believe that they also can clog up the little hole in your lungs (I forget what they are called, but that is how the oxygen get to your body.
cigarettes can mess up your lungs.