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Q: Golden Virginia Yellow is the lighter version of Golden Virginia Green?
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How do you tell the sex of a golden sex-link chicken?

A golden one is a hen. The lighter yellow ones are roosters. Hope this helps.

What does yellow and white make?

Yellow and white make a light, pastel shade of yellow. Mixing yellow and white together creates a softer, muted version of yellow with a lighter tint.

I already have naturally really light golden blonde hair and i want lighter Will my hair turn more like yellow if i put lemon in it?

If you already have a naturally golden blonde hair, and you want it lighter, putting lemon on it will not make it more yellowish.

What colour is brown?

it is a black mixed with yellow to form a lighter version of it. it is also the colour of many disguisting things not wanted to mention

What primary colors you mix to get grey color?

If you mix equal amounts of the lighter versions of all the primary colours together (such as pink, light yellow and light blue), you would get grey, the lighter version of black.

What dog is yellow?

Answer Golden Retriever. It's yellow but they prefer to call it GOLDEN. Answer Labrador's are referred to as yellow (or black).

What color do you get when you mix red yellow white?

When you mix red, yellow, and white together, you would typically get a light orange color due to the combination of red and yellow with the addition of white to lighten the mixture.

What does cream and yellow make?

It just makes a lighter yellow

Do golden labradors moult?

First of all there are no golden labradors.There are golden retrievers and yellow labrador (retrievers),golden is just a yellow tone.and yes they do moult

Will fudge icing taste good on a golden yellow cake?

it depends on what flavour the golden yellow is.

What is the color of the male golden retriever?

golden yellow

What colours make golden yellow?

Gold and yellow