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No. He likes her as a friend only.

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Q: Does yami hate tea
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Who yami want to be his girlfriend?

In the show, tea likes yami while regular yugi likes tea, but yami shows no interest in having that deep of a relationship. He is a spirit after all, who is only interested in dueling.

Does yami loves tea gardner?

No he doesn't.

Do yami and tea kiss?

Well i maybe, i hope so?

What episode of Yu-Gi-Oh does Yami phone Tea?

Episode 70

Does yugi like yami more than tea?

He likes all of his friends equally.

Hey someone told me in the Yu Gi Oh manga that tea tricks yugi into becoming yami and they have sex or something is that true?

tea does not trick yami or yugi into any sexuall relations. she is only there as a support person and cheer leader.

Does yami loves tea?

ENGLISH VERSION No because they edited the story and made it wrong , In fact tea sometimes is the one flirting with them they don't like her more than a friend. -_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_-_ JAPANESE VERSION THE REAL VERSION Yami in the manga (japanese word for an anime story ) Loves her, a lot. and yugi LOVES HER TOO, a lot. But In The Series (write in youtube yugioh season 0) yugi does but doesn't show that... and yami loves her too. So the answer is Yami Yugi loves her a lot.

Did yami yugi leave?

yes, he went to the afterlife in episode 216 or something like that after he defeated his lighter half-yugi-in a duel. Tea was conflicted as she wanted yami to staybut also wanted him to be happy.

Who is yami yugi's lovelife?

Fans believe Tea, but no one really knows. Peole tend to think that he loves no one!

In what episode of Yu-Gi-Oh do Yami and Tea hang out?

There is no special moments between them, since they are only friends.

Did Boston hate tea from England?

no it

Why does joey punch yugi in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Well he doesnt punch yugi. He punches his alter ego. Yami Yugi. Atim. ANyway what happens is yugi gets lost or somthing. so joey, Tristan yami yugi and tea are like in a caravan site. so yami yugi says '' He's gone and its my fault.'' And Joey says ''Get a grip man'' and punches yami yugi and he goes tumbling on the floor