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No! You'll get cancer

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Q: Can you smoke in a plane?
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Can you bring cigarette's on a plane?

Yes, but you cannot smoke them while on the plane and in most airports.

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What is the white trail behind a jet plane made from?


What is a skywriter?

That is an airplane equipped with a smoke generator. The pilot maneuvers the plane to form letters and symbols with the smoke trail.

Can you smoke an E- cigarette while on the plane?

There is no smoking of any kind.

What is the part of the plane that makes the smoke?

the engines but it depends on what kind if engin in is

What is the white smoke behind the passenger plane?

It's the fuel from the engines.

How do you get the wingsmedal in medal of vanguard ps2?

When you jump out of the plane look for the GREEN smoke and land on it.

Why you see smoke of high flying airplanes?

That line of smoke is called a vapor trail. You can still see it on low flying planes, but it must be a jet plane.

How do you get the wings medal in Medal of Honor vanguard?

When you jump out of the plane look for the GREEN smoke and land on it.

What are passengers aboard a plane asked to do?

Passengers aboard a plane are asked to fasten their seat belts unless the sign is switched off, not smoke and listen to instructions at the beginning.

Can you take cigarette on the airplane?

No, you cab not smoke on a plane, or bring it in the cabin, but you can put it in your hold luggage though.