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You can't get gonorrhea from smoking. You get gonorrhea from oral, anal, or vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; and birth to an infected mother.

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11y ago

You can't get gonorrhea from sharing a cigarette. It's spread by oral, anal, and vaginal sex.

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Q: Can you get gonorrhea from sharing a cigarette?
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Depends on the amount of saliva on the cigarette, but yes.

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Mono is spread through direct contact with saliva, so it is possible to contract is by sharing the same cigarette. You can also get ti by sharing lipstick, or drinking from the same glass.

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Chlamydia can be transmitted during vaginal, anal, or oral sex; genital-genital contact; and sharing sex toys. Chlamydia can also be passed from an infected mother to her baby during vaginal childbirth. If none of these is in your definition of "making out," then you can't get chlamydia from making out.

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It doesn't matter, you shouldn't smoke anyway.

Can you get aids from sharing a cigarette with an infected person?

The only way to spread HIV/AIDS is by transferring blood from one person to another. And various tests have proven that HIV/AIDS cannot be spread through saliva. So the only way this is possible is if the smoker was bleeding, and there was blood on the cigarette afterwards, and the person who then took the cigarette was also bleeding.are you sureAssuming saliva only on the cigarette, it is not possible to transmit HIV via cigarette sharing.You will not catch HIV from smoking cigarettes or marijuana.No. Not even kissing will result in infectionYes, if the person smoking the cigarette has HIV. However, there would not be enough of the virus from the saliva in the cigarette butt to pass on an hiv virus cannot be present in a cigarette as saliva doesn't carry hiv virus.

Can smoking attract Swine Flu?

Smoking can attract swine flu only if you are sharing a cigarette with someone who has swine flu.

What is the meaning of twosing?

twosing is basically two people sharing a cigarette or joint , often one person having half and the other has the other half.

Can you get trichomoniasis from sharing a drink or cigarette?

HPV is usually passed by some sort of sexual contact. A person needs to either have sex with someone who has the virus or have some sort of skin to skin contact with the area (warts). A person can NOT get HPV from sitting on a toilet seat, shower, sharing drinks or food, a pool, etc. Check out this site for more information on HPV:

What is gonarya?

I believe you are referring to gonorrhea. If so, here is the description:Gonorrhea (also gonorrhoea) is a common Sexually_transmitted_infectioncaused by the bacterium Neisseria_gonorrhoeae(also called Gonococcus, which is often abbreviated as "GC" by clinicians). In the US, its incidence is secondAnswers.comonly to Chlamydia_infectionamong bacterial STDs.Answers.comIn both men and women if gonorrhea is left untreated, it may spread throughout the body, affecting joints and even heart valves.Gonorrhea cannot be spread by sharing toilets and bathrooms.For more information, visit