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It is very easy to become addicted to a narcissist as they make everyday life seem eventful and exciting with their lack of normal restraints and boundaries. Life without their huge highs and lows may seem dull and grey in comparison, but you must always focus on the trail of misery and destruction the narcissist leaves in their path.

answerThe above statement seems to refer to a person with Bipolar disorder, and not a narcissist. A narcissist believes he or she is the greatest thing to ever exist. In my opinion, it would be difficult to become addicted to a narcissist, unless you are masochistic and enjoy being second best at everything. yes you can because that's what they do first they seduce you little by little they are not themselves then is just a mask they give you attention nice talks look like they are your friend tell sad storyes about their childhoo how their wife don't care about them and are selfish etc...and then you are hooked they push and pull when you want to stop with them they say see how selfish you are you don't get what you want you are leaving feel guilty you stay ...and don't forget you love this person and they do make you addicted with their so called love in the seduction fase
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