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Q: Can swallowing cocaine be harmful to your throat an tongue?
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What happens if you eat cocaine?

your lips, tongue and throat becomes numb. Your stomach will be sick. You will also loose your swallowing control until the effects of the cocaine goes away.

Do people swallow with their tongue?

No, people do not swallow with their tongue. Swallowing is a complex process that involves coordination of muscles in the throat and esophagus to move food or liquid from the mouth to the stomach. The tongue helps push food to the back of the mouth during swallowing, but it is not responsible for the actual act of swallowing.

Why can people swallow food while standing on their heads?

Swallowing has nothing to do with gravity, you tongue literally pushes food into your throat when you swallow. Swallowing is the utilization of a muscle.

What prevents food from going into your throat?

Food normally goes in your throat when you swallow. A coordinated swallow reflex, controlled partially by the tongue, helps you control the timing of swallowing.

Mobile organ that initiates swallowing?

The tongue. The tongue.

What organ system is the tongue part of?

The tongue is a part of the digestive system. It plays a crucial role in mechanical digestion by manipulating food in the mouth and pushing it toward the back of the throat for swallowing. Additionally, the tongue aids in the sense of taste and speech.

Is the tongue involved in the swallowing reflex?

Yes, the tongue plays a crucial role in the swallowing reflex. It helps to push food to the back of the mouth and into the throat, initiating the swallowing process. Additionally, the tongue helps prevent food from entering the airway by sealing off the windpipe during swallowing.

Is there a bone in your throat?

No, there is no bone in your throat. The throat is primarily made up of muscles, tissues, and cartilage that help with swallowing and breathing.

Do or can people have an extra tongue in their throat?

Do or can people have an extra tongue in their throat?"

What is infantile swallowing and how is it different from regular swallowing?

Infantile swallowing refers to the swallowing pattern seen in infants, where the tongue moves forward in a sucking motion to transfer liquids or soft foods to the back of the mouth. In contrast, regular swallowing involves a more complex and coordinated movement of the tongue, soft palate, and throat muscles to propel the food or liquid into the esophagus. Infantile swallowing is a developmental stage that typically transitions to adult-like swallowing patterns as a child grows.

What is the purpose of the tongue for the body?

The tongue is important for various functions such as tasting, swallowing, and speaking. It helps manipulate food in the mouth during chewing and initiates the swallowing reflex by pushing food toward the throat. Additionally, the tongue plays a crucial role in articulating speech sounds by moving to different positions in the mouth.

Organ that mixes food in the mouth and initiates swallowing?

The organ responsible for mixing food in the mouth and initiating swallowing is the tongue. It helps move food around in the mouth to mix it with saliva and then pushes the food to the back of the mouth to start the swallowing process.