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Tobacco was considered of being a medicinal plant and could cure 36 health problems. A Spanish doctor named Nicolas Monardes even wrote a book about the history of medicinal plants of the new world.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

The introduction of silk affected Europe so much that the queen wanted people to eat condoms instead of tobacco.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

thy were addicted to it

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Q: According to katib chelebi for what purpose was tobacco first used by Europeans?
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Europeans were mainly by the crop tobacco. It grew well and was cheap and popular.

How did Europeans make tobacco more profitable?

i dont know hinestly

What did the Europeans mostly grow in their Caribbean colony?

tobacco and suger planations.

In 1604 where was tobacco grown and why was it being sold in England?

The tobacco variety that Europeans liked was grown in the European colonized Caribbean islands, and after 1604 it was grown in on the American continent (another variety of tobacco was used by Native Americans, but Europeans disliked the flavor.) Tobacco was turned into cigars, snuff, and other products, all of which was in high demand at the time. England was the main buyer of tobacco at that time.

Why did the Europeans support slavery?

the europeans supported slavery because of the change from tobacco to sugar,this required a vast amount of unskilled labour.

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Were the europeans more interested in sending sugar or tabaco to the Americas?

The Europeans didn't send tobacco nor sugar to the colonies, but got it FROM the colonies. They couldn't grow sugar cane nor tobacco in Europe because it is too cold.

Which development led to the other three?

Europeans using both tobacco and potatoes

How can tobacco be seen as revenge for small pox?

Europeans brought smallpox with them when they travelled to the Americas and it killed many people there. They brought tobacco back to Europe and tobacco has resulted in many deaths too.

Who spread the use of tobacco?

According to legend, Sir Walter Raleigh introduced tobacco to Europe. It was already well-known in the Americas, where it was used principally as a ritual drug by the aboriginal inhabitants. Once its potential for abuse -- and profit -- became known to Europeans, they spread it all over the world.

How did Indians help the new europeans settlers?

They introduced agriculture to the Europeans. They showed them how to grow corn, potatoes, pineapples, tomatoes, tobacco, beans, vanilla, and chocolate.