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Q: 10 products in which excise tax is imposed?
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What are the different kinds of taxes of products and services?

1) sales tax 2) excise duty 3) property tax 4) income tax 5)goods and services tax 6) toll tax 7) poll tax 8) eucation tax 9) wealth tax 10) tax on the products.

What is the federal tax imposed on inheritance?

Inheritance tax is imposed on individuals who receive property from someone who has died. The amount of tax is determined by the appraised value of the property and the recipient's relationship to the deceased. Currently there are 10 states that also impose a "death tax". See info at links

What is the rate of excise duty?


A sentence using the word tax?

In Oregon there is no sales tax, it's incredible!There has been a new tax imposed, citizens, your king has declared a 10% levy on all cabbage sales.I'm fed up of all this tax, I'm moving to China.

How much will taxes increase with the new health care bill?

An excise tax of 10% on overly generous health plans. A 2.9% tax on the sale of medical devices. A 3.8% tax hike in your Medicare payroll taxes and on your investment income if you make more than $250,000/yr.

Where does the British government get its revenue from?

Taxes. 30% comes from income tax, 20% from National Insurance, 15% from VAT (sales tax) and 10% from coorperation taxes. The remaining 25% comes from taxes such as for fuel, tobacco, alcohol, vehicle excise, inheritence, capital gains, stamp duty, insurance etc.

Match each type of tax with an example of its use apex?

property tax;1% charged on the value of a home personal income tax; 20% charged on wages earned capital gains tax; 2% charged on profits from selling a home

What are two major issues of concern to the precious metal jewelry industry?

the 10 percent luxury tax imposed on jewelry sales exceeding $10,000 and environmental regulations related to manufacturing processes.

Do you need a tanning license to open a tanning salon?

Licensing varies by state. Some states require you to be licensed and certified to operate a tanning salon...some states have virtually no regulations. Since tanning is now taxed by the Federal Government(they now access a 10% excise tax on tanning) you do need to get a Tax ID# for your business so you can pay your quarterly Tan TAX taxes.

How does Uganda as a country make most of its money?

The following is the overview of taxes and non tax revenues collected by Uganda Revenue Authority. -Excise Duty -Excise Duty charged -licensing -Remission of excise duty -Returns and payments Non tax revenue -Stamp duty -Registration of motor vehicles -Reregistration -Transfer of ownership of motor vehicle

What era was intolerable acts imposed in?

On May 10, 1773

Good and services tax?

The GST is a broad-based tax of 10 per cent on most supplies of goods and services consumed in Australia. On 1 July 2000 the GST replaced wholesale sales tax which was applied at varying rates to a range of products.