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After the monasteries were closed down, monks who were skilled in copying books continued to do so independently or found new employment as scribes for universities, libraries, or private individuals. This helped preserve valuable manuscripts and knowledge during this tumultuous period in history.

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Q: Who copied out books after the monasteries were closed down?
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dntha ann ide a

Whydid the vikings burn down monasteries?

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When was Henrys dissolution of the Monasteries?

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How did Henry VIII get rid of the Monasteries?

AnswerHe closed the monasteries because he needed money to go to war and the monks were selling indulgencesIndulgences: they are were someone pays to get to heavenHe needed power over the church and the monks weren't behaving they were getting into relationships and getting drunk and coming to morning services drunken monks aren't meant have any money but they were gambling with money.He closed down the monasteries by sending Thomas Cromwell's team of inspectors to inspect the monasteries. They found that some monks and nuns had become lazy and greedy and so, Henry closed them down.

What did Henry viii do to England's monasteries give an example of one of the monasteries he destroyed?

He burnt them down

How did Thomas Cromwell close down monasteries?

Because he wanted the money because he had fought many expensive wars and didn't have very much money left 1.Religion- when Henry was a catholic, the pope didn't believe in divorce, and of course this was a problem for Henry, so he made the church of England. He might of not liked the monks (as they were catholic) so he shut them down. 2.Economics- as Henry fought many expensive wars, he had no money left, so by shutting down the monastries, he gained lots of land and property which resulted in lots of money. 3.The monks- the monks weren't being true to their religion, they are supposed to live a solitary life on their own. However they were caught sleeping with women wearing no clothes, others had wives and children and others were even theives! So Henry had even more reason to shut them down.

What Henry did when he closed the monasteries down?

Confinscated all their books, and feligous relics. Some were burned to the ground and their property was added to the king of england and supreme head of the churchs royal library. Their priests were allowed to live but had to take an oath stating that king henry the 8th was supreme head of the church. As did all citizens of england did during this transition of religous power from church to the king.

What date did Henry close down the monasteries?

The exact date of the closing of the monasteries is unknown. Although, we do know that it was in 1534-1535.

Why did Henry close down the monasteries about the money?
