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A book containing words and their defintions is called a dictionary; from the Latin dīcō ‎"speak" + -arium "room, place".

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The glossary or dictionary section of a book typically provides meanings of specific words used in the book. This section may list unfamiliar or specialized terms along with their definitions to help readers understand the text better.

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14y ago

A dictionary.

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The glossary

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Q: Which part of a book gives you a meaning of word use in the books?
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What are the parts and the meanings of a book?

Books are just texts,Teachers are more important than books,elsewise if you are talking about reading the books by yourself,then my answer is, Every part of the book provides knowledge and gives you lessons.......And the meaning of a book is to Bring maturity in you and extend your knowledge. Regards, Wasif Waliullah Bullo

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How did the word dictionary become part of the English dictionary?

A dictionary is defined as a book that lists the words of a language and gives their meaning, or their equivalent in a different language.It is derived from the Latin terms dictionarium manualeor dictionarius liber meaning 'manual or book of words'.

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The letter R above a call number of a book typically indicates that the book is part of the Reference section in a library. Reference books are usually non-circulating and are meant to be used within the library for quick access to information.

What part of speech is ration books?

Ration books is a plural noun. The singular is ration book.

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Faber is different from the woman who lit herself and her books on fire in the first part of the book because she died.

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