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The text mentions the character's red hair, which is not supported by the illustration as the character's hair color is depicted as brown.

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Q: What information from the text is not supported by the illustration given?
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What important information is reinforced both in the written text and in the illustration?

The illustration enhances the written text by providing a visual representation of the information, making it easier for readers to understand complex concepts. It also helps to engage the reader, making the information more memorable and impactful. Additionally, the combination of text and illustration can provide multiple perspectives on a topic, reinforcing key points and enhancing overall comprehension.

What is illustration in technical writing?

Illustration is the photograph, drawing or diagram used to demonstrate information in technical writing. Frequently, the illustration is used as a graphic aid to further explain the technical information that was written. For example, a manual for a car may show a diagram of a dashboard accompanied by text that explains the location and responsibility of each section.

What is the difference between illustration and side bar?

Illustration refers to a visual representation or interpretation of a concept or idea, often used to enhance or explain text. A sidebar is a supplementary block of content that is typically placed alongside the main body of text, providing additional information or context related to the main topic. In summary, an illustration is a visual element while a sidebar is a textual element.

What is the difference of efferent and aesthetic reading?

Aesthic reading is for entertainment. Efferent reading is reading to carry away information; the focus is on the information in the text and illustration and not focused on the experience of reading for entertainment.

What is a Label and Caption?

A label is a text or descriptive element used to identify or provide information about a particular object or component. A caption is a brief text description that provides context or explanation for a visual content, such as a photo or illustration.

What type of illustration can often make information more clear than written text can?

Either graph or data table not sure. Sorry, also trying to figure it out.

Is miniature art an illustration?

No, miniture art is just a scaling issue, an illustration is a drawing that is often intended to go along side a text. For example a famous use of illustration would be in the books of Beatrix Potter.

What goes along with an illustration?

An illustration can be accompanied by a caption to provide context or information about the image. It can also be paired with a description or explanation to enhance understanding. Additionally, illustrations may be complemented by annotations or labels to highlight specific details within the image.

What are the top reason in writing down literary text?

TEXT means writing (as in text book) as does LITERARY (as in literary skills). Given this information you can see immediately that you question is specious.

What are the purposes of illustrations?

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. An illustration is a picture, it adds depth to a text. Also some illustration are works of art in their own rite.

How do you cite an illustration in a paper mla style?

To cite an illustration in a paper in MLA style, provide a caption for the illustration that includes the creator's name, title of the illustration, year of creation, and source of the illustration. Then, include an in-text citation with the creator's last name and page number (if applicable) within parentheses.

What is a example of illustration?

There are no major difference in both term but we can say that illustration this term use only in when we are talking about the mathematical example. In other hand we can use term example in any where either in math as well as Hindi and English etc.