Americans typically refer to the game noughts and crosses as "Tic-tac-toe."
Noughts and crosses
Another name for a chess game might include "immortal game" or even Scholar's Mate.
Tic Tac Toe is an alternative name for the game of noughts and crosses.
A.S Douglas first created a virtual game of noughts and crosses
Noughts and Crosses is the British name for the game known in some other countries as Tic-Tac-Toe or X's and O's.
Naughts and crosses is a famous simple pen and paper game between two people who take turns putting a naught or cross in a simple 3x3 grid. It is very simple to play.
Very few board games use more than one plane. 3-dimensional noughts and crosses is one that uses 3 planes.
The prarie dog will draw out a grid in the sand. You play Noughts and Crosses. Drag your dog to wherever you want to draw a cross and compete with the prarie dog. Hope this helps.
Knots and crosses is a game which a player can be knots (o) or crosses (x). The aim of the game is to get 3 knots or crosses in a row.