It is unknown if computers will replace books in the future.
No one can really tell if there will or not be books in the future ,but it is a possibility that nooks will replace books.
Yes, the IT HAS changed, and no e-books are unlikely to replace printed books for generations, because not enough of the world has internet acces
yes!it already has.
i agree
Well... no. If it were to replace anything it would replace movies, but that won't happen; at least for a long time.
Answer CD Rom's will never replace books as many people still don't have computers or want anything to do with them. There's nothing like curling up in front of a crackling fire with the book of your choice and reading it. Not only that but in a lot of cases, books on the net have to be downloaded, that means having an Internet connection and more money out the door, just to read a book, I seriously doubt CD Rom will ever replace books.
If persons continuously mark in different books there is a chance that the librarian would want to remove those books from the library and library users will not be able to use those books. Writing in books can damage them and the library would need to replace them.
No, nothing can ever replace the feeling of a book in your hand. Books can take you amazing places you've only dreamed of or tell you unforgettable stories. All in one little thing.
Yes, a Sony eBook reader can potentially replace physical books in a business setting by providing a digital platform for reading and storing essential business-related materials. However, factors such as the type of content, ease of access, and personal preference should be considered before completely replacing physical books in a business environment.