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While the answers for the SSD 1 Module 4 exam are posted on the Wiki Answers website in response to this very question, be advised it is very likely that these are incorrect or out of date. It is always recommended that you study the material and pass the exam on its merits.

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10y ago

Misconduct is frowned upon in the US Military. As a member of the military, you are expected to maintain the highest honor and integrity. Even possessing fore knowledge of test materials can be considered a crime. The Uniform Code of Military Justice has a catch-all category called the "General Article". The General Article permits commanders to pursue swift punishment for crimes against

crimes against honesty, obedience, good order, discipline, and generally failure to comply with orders. From childhood, school environments and parents teach that cheating on tests is wrong.

In the document made by Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC, dated 5 February 2008 called "SUMMARY of CHANGE - AR 611-5 - Personnel and Classification Testing", para 4-6 Item 3, page 15, lists examples of cheating behaviors, under Procedures for handling cheating which states (paraphrased) it is against the rules to:

  • to possess test answers through prior knowledge of questions/answers,
  • cheating,
  • memorization of questions or answers,
  • hiding answers on paper, clothing, body, digital watches, cell phones
  • copying others' answers,
  • accessing or talking about questions and answers during the test,
  • or in any other way violating the testing rules.

See Related Link for details.

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