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Sara, books, library. (Any person, place, or thing.)

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Books and library are nouns in this sentence.

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Q: Sara checked out four books from the library. which words are nouns?
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What are the nouns in sentence books music and movies often feature new words that are then added to everyday language?

The nouns in the sentence are "books," "music," "movies," "words," and "language."

Are nouns the same as phrases?

Nouns are words used to name things, they are within the phrase: John went to the library; that itself is a phrase while the bold words are nouns.

Is Bixby Memorial Library a common or proper noun?

The noun 'Bixby Memorial Library' is a proper noun, the name of a specific place.Proper nouns are the unique names of people, places, or things.Common nouns are general words for people, places, or thing.

Are nouns the same as pronouns?

No, nouns and pronouns are not the same. Nouns are words that name people, places, things, or ideas, while pronouns are words that are used to replace nouns to avoid repetition. Pronouns include words like "he," "she," "it," "they," etc.

Library is to book as book is to . . .?

pages or wordsWordsWell, I don't want to give the answer...but here is a good hint!libraries have books and books have....I think you get the idea!Good Luck!words or paperstory as a library has books and a book has stories

Is you he she they you him nouns?

The words he, she, they, you, and him are personal pronouns, not nouns.A personal pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun for a specific person (persons) or thing (things).The personal pronouns are: I, you, we, he, she, it, me, us, him, her, they, them.Examples:Jack is my brother. He goes to the state college.My mom will pick us up. Shewill be here at three.These books are due at the library. Actually, they were due yesterday.Jill, you are a good friend.My dog's name is Jasper. It's time to take him for a walk.

Which two words are nouns?

The two nouns in your sentence are words and nouns, they are plural, common nouns.

Are trail an forest nouns?

Yes, the words 'trail' and 'forest' are nouns, they are words for things.

Are the words bread and meat common nouns?

Yes, the nouns 'bread' and 'meat' are common nouns, general words for types of food.

What are 4 words that are plural?

Four examples of plural nouns (in bold) are:cat, catsbook, booksjourney, journeyschild, children

Which of these words is an abstract noun philosopher priest melancholy politics?

The abstract nouns are melancholy (an emotion) and politics (a concept).The nouns 'priest' and 'philosopher' are concrete nouns as words for a person.

Library is to books as book is to?

This is just my guess, but I thought I'd try it anywho. My guesses: pages, words, sentences or paragraphs.