Text is the default data type in MS Access.
auto, numbers, text, memo
In Access, the Text data type can hold up to 255 characters. If you need to store more characters, you can use the Memo data type, which can store up to 65,535 characters.
Text is an example of a data type is that true
Text is an example of a data type is that true
In Access and in databases in general each field in a database table is of a certain data type. The data type determines what type of data a field can hold. A field of the text data type can hold text, a field of the number data type can hold numbers and a field of the data/time data type can hold date and time values.Access actively checks what type of data is entered into a field and Access will disallow the entry of data into a field that doesn't conform to the field's data type. Access won't allow you to put text into a field of the Number data type, for example.So, data types are a way to restrict the entry of data into a field. Internally, the database uses different strategies for the storage and retrieval of different data types.
The field can contain any characters. A maximum number of 255 characters is allowed in a field whose data type is Text.
The character data type in Access is Text, allowing letters, numbers, punctuation symbols and other symbols available on your keyboard to be entered.
In Access, you use data type. In Word and Excel, you use data validation.
Access Data Types are : Autonumber, Memo Text, Number, Yes/No, date/time, OLE object, Hyperlink, Currency.