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A textbook on a table is an example of balanced forces. The force of gravity pulling the book downward is balanced by the normal force exerted by the table in the upward direction, resulting in the book remaining stationary on the table.

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Q: Is a textbook on a table a balanced force or an unbalanced force?
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Because of a frictional force of 100 N a force of 1 meter must be applied to a textbook in order to slide it along the surface of a wooden table What is the unbalanced force on the book?

0.2 N

What are similarities between balanced forces and action reaction forces?

Both balanced forces and action-reaction forces involve forces acting in opposite directions. Balanced forces result in no change in an object's motion, while action-reaction forces involve pairs of forces that occur simultaneously between two objects in contact.

Would a book falling off a table be a balanced force?

No, a book falling off a table is not an example of balanced forces. In this scenario, gravity is the dominant force causing the book to fall, so it is an unbalanced force. Balanced forces occur when two equal forces act in opposite directions, resulting in no change in motion.

What are some examples of balaced force and unbalanced force?

An example of balanced forces is a book sitting on a table, where the gravitational force pulling the book down is equal to the normal force pushing the book up. An example of unbalanced forces is a car accelerating forward, where the force applied on the gas pedal is greater than the force of friction slowing the car down.

Think Critically A book sliding across a table slows down and comes to a stop Explain whether the forces acting acting on the book are balanced or unbalanced.?

The forces are unbalanced. The force of Friction is obviously greater than whatever force is pushing the book in the direction of travel, if one is pushing it at all. If the forces on the book were balanced, the book would continue to slide with a constant velocity.

What is the difference between a balanced and unbalanced force?

A balanced force is the one in which if there is a force on one side of the object , on the other side there is a force of the same magnitude. example is a book kept on a table is at rest. 2 forces are acting on it. one is vertically downwards that is its weight(mg) while other is perpendicular to he surface(normal force exerted by the table) an unbalanced force is 2 forces acting in opposite directions have different magnitudes and the direction of the object is towards the direction of the dominant force. example is 2 children are pulling a rope one with a force of 100N and other with 50N. rope is pulled by the child applying a force of 100N.

What is a Difference between a balanced and unbalanced force?

A balanced force is the one in which if there is a force on one side of the object , on the other side there is a force of the same magnitude. example is a book kept on a table is at rest. 2 forces are acting on it. one is vertically downwards that is its weight(mg) while other is perpendicular to he surface(normal force exerted by the table) an unbalanced force is 2 forces acting in opposite directions have different magnitudes and the direction of the object is towards the direction of the dominant force. example is 2 children are pulling a rope one with a force of 100N and other with 50N. rope is pulled by the child applying a force of 100N.

What are non examples of unbalanced force?

Force on accelarating object.

Give example of of an object that is experiencing an unbalanced force?

A book sliding off a table is an example of an object experiencing an unbalanced force. The force of gravity pulling the book downward is greater than the frictional force between the book and the table, causing it to accelerate in the direction of the force.

What is an example of balanced force acting on a static force?

An example of balanced forces acting on a static object is when a book is placed on a table. The force of gravity pulling the book downward is balanced by the normal force exerted by the table, keeping the book in place.

What a example of unbalanced force that caused a change in motion?

An example of unbalanced force causing a change in motion is when a person pushes a book across a table. The force exerted by the person is greater than the force of friction between the book and the table, causing the book to accelerate in the direction of the push.

Think Critically A book resting on a table slows down and comes to a stop Explain whether the forces acting acting on the book are balanced or unbalanced?

The forces acting on the book are unbalanced. As the book slows down and comes to a stop, there is a net force acting on it that opposes its motion. This force arises from friction between the book and the table, ultimately bringing the book to a halt.