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Burning and bleach and not being exposed to it. That's about it, still.

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3mo ago

Standard ways to stop a virus include quarantine of infected individuals, isolation of affected areas, vaccination programs, use of antiviral medications, and implementation of hygiene practices such as handwashing and wearing protective gear. Public health measures such as contact tracing and communication to raise awareness also play a crucial role in stopping the spread of a virus.

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What are 3 ways to stop a virus from spreding?

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One way your body can stop viral infections is by making interferons. (Interferons= are proteins that are produced that are produced rapidly by virus-infected cells and move to noninfected cells in host). Antiviral drugs can be given to infected patients to help fight a virus.- This answer is correct i got it out of a book"Life's Structure and Fuction" A National Geogaphic.

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yes why not antivirus software is designed for this purpose only it. It keeps on doing backgroud scanning of ur computer and as soon as it detect a virus it will alert u and show the possible ways in which it can be dealt with

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Norton is a very popular anti-virus program. If your Norton system happens to stop working, one of the easiest ways to troubleshoot is to uninstall then reinstall the program on your computer.

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Theres four ways I can think of...Stop watching porn, Take it to a computer shop. Hit the computer in anger, wipe th computers memory... Hope these help

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it can put a virus in your computer

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