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Verbatim is an adverb, not a noun. To write something verbatim means to copy it word for word.

(By the way, doing so on purpose, and then presenting it as your own idea, is known as plagiarism, and could get you in trouble.)

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5mo ago

To write a verbatim means to transcribe speech or text exactly as it was spoken or written, without paraphrasing or editing. This is often done for research, legal, or documentary purposes to capture the precise words used by the speaker. It is important to note down all aspects of the speech, including pauses, tone, and non-verbal cues to provide an accurate representation of the original content.

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12y ago

Example sentence - I remember conversations verbatim.

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How do you write verbatim?

To write verbatim means to reproduce something word for word without any alterations or interpretations. This is often indicated by using quotation marks to show that the text is an exact copy of the original source.

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There are many companies and websites that offer Verbatim brand DVDs for sale. Some of these companies that offer the DVDs are Verbatim, Media Supply and Amazon.

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Verbatim is the root.

When was Verbatim Corporation created?

Verbatim Corporation was created in 1969.

How do you spell verbatim?

That is the correct spelling of "verbatim" (word for word).

What is a synonym for verbatim?

"Word for word" is a synonym for verbatim.

What is the root word in verbatim?

The root word in "verbatim" is "verbum," which is Latin for "word."

What is the word root for verbatim?

The word root for "verbatim" is "verbum," which is Latin for "word."

What is a sentence for verbatim?

The word verbatim means "word for word". Used in a sentence, it would look like this: "The teacher told Carrie's parents what was said verbatim".

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Are you in gov. Mr.Martinho? Verbatim! Are you in gov. Mr.Martinho? Verbatim!