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Outdoor lights have a number of purposes. They increase the safety at night by illuminating sidewalks and entries to buildings, the let people inside buildings see what is going on outdoors, and outdoor lights make it possible to be active outside when it is dark out. Most cities and towns require outdoor streetlights, although in places where light pollution is an issue, people have to light the outdoors using their own.

Outdoor lights can use a lot of electricity, and people who want to use their outdoor lights routinely often replace incandescent light bulbs with the newer CFL or LED bulbs. These throw off ample light to keep the outdoors safe and functional in the dark and reduce the amount of electricity that they use. These energy saving bulbs are available in many local and online stores, and besides using less power, they last significantly longer than incandescent light bulbs.

People often decorate their homes with outdoor lights to celebrate holidays or string a tree, bush, or patio cover with LED outdoor lights to create a festive and inviting atmosphere. LED outdoor lights are crisp and bright, and unlike the older twinkle lights, will last a long time, saving the hassle of unwinding strings of burned out lights from trees, roof lines, or bushes.

Only outdoor lights certified for use outdoors should be used in locations where the lights will get wet. Porch lights or carriage lights are covered and are safe to use in these receptacles.

More and more outdoor lights are using power from solar batteries. The batteries charge all day long in the sunshine and these fixtures have switches that turn them on when it gets dark out. Some of the panels are powerful enough to collect solar energy even on overcast days. Manufacturers even make solar operated motion detectors that come on when movement is detected. These lights use solar panels to collect sunshine that powers the motion detector and lights the bulb when triggered.

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Outdoor lights are an essential part of any home. Outdoor lights can enhance your home experience by enabling your family to dine, sit or play outside in the evenings. Outdoor lights also keep your family safe from potential burglars. Outdoor lights play an important role but are often forgot about by the majority of home owners. In the past, purchasing and installing outdoor lights become a tedious, and complicated process. Finding the right outdoor light set took a long time due to establishing what would fit and how it would be wired correctly to the house. Wiring and installation were the two biggest hurdles that first needed to be overcome to install outdoor lights onto a home. If the lights had not been installed when the house was first built, the wiring and installation process could take weeks and thousands of dollars. In some circumstances, walls would have to be removed or roof modifications would have to be made to accommodate a specific outdoor light set. In the past ten years, solar lights have revolutionized the lighting industry, specifically outdoor lights the most. This is due to the fact that solar outdoor lights do not require any type of wiring in the house. Solar outdoor lights can be hung anywhere and installed virtually anywhere without the concern of destroying or modifying your home during the installation process. Better yet, since solar outdoor lights do not have any long, thick wires, solar lights are cheaper to purchase too. Since no wiring or intricate installation is required, it takes installers less time to put lights in at a home. This means that the homeowner will save money. Some solar outdoor light sets are so simple to install the homeowner can install, hang or plant them in their home themselves without the need of an electrician or handyman. Solar outdoor lights have changed the lighting industry and has provided homeowners with a cheaper and better solution to their lighting needs.

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Outdoor Lighting?

form_title=Outdoor Lighting Are you looking to repair, replace or install lighting?*= () Repair () Replace () Install Type of lighting?*= _[50] Choose the appropriate status for this project:*= {Ready to hire, Planning and budgeting} When would you like this project to be completed?*= {Timing is flexible, Less than 2 months, 2 to 4 months, 4 to 6 months, More than 6 months}

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