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Light bounces on to your face and body then bounces off onto the top of the water. This is called REFLECTION

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Q: You look in a pond see a mirror image of yourself.What causes this image?
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Related questions

Where does your image appear when you look in a mirror?

The image that you see when you look in a mirror is a reflection of the light that bounces off of you and back into your eyes. This creates the illusion that your image is located behind the mirror, when in reality it is in front of it.

Why does a letter look backwards in front of the mirror?

When you look at a letter in a mirror, it appears backwards because the mirror reflects the image in reverse. This reversal happens because light bounces off the mirror and preserves the original orientation of the object, but the angle at which you view the reflection causes it to appear flipped.

where your image appears to be when you look into into a plane mirror?

mirage mirror it's self!

Where is your image when you look in a plane mirror?

In a plane mirror, your image is located directly behind the mirror at the same distance as you are from the mirror. The image appears to be the same size and orientation as the object but reversed left to right.

Why do you see your reflection when you look in a mirror and not when you look at a book?

The image is reflected from a reflective object, in this case [your mirror], as a Book is not a mirror, it is not reflected.

What kind of image do you see when you look in the mirror?


Would any animal can see it's image in the mirror?

Yes! Look in the mirror!

Does a mirror reflect?

Yes, a mirror reflects light by preserving the image of objects placed in front of it. This reflection allows us to see our own image when we look at a mirror.

Why do things look backwards in a mirror?

Things appear backwards in a mirror because the mirror reflects light in a way that flips the image horizontally. When you look at a mirror, your left side appears on the right and vice versa, creating the perception of a reversed image.

When you look at a plane mirror what does the images appear to be in th mirror?

The image in a plane mirror appears to be the same size as the object, but flipped left to right. Additionally, the image appears to be behind the mirror at the same distance as the object is in front of the mirror.

Where is the image formed when you look at something on the mirror?

The image is formed behind the mirror at the same distance as the object's reflection from the mirror's surface. This is due to reflection of light rays from the object off the mirror's surface.

What does the image of an object look like for a concave mirror when the object is far away?

When the object is far away from a concave mirror, the image formed is real, inverted, and highly magnified. This image is formed at the focal point of the mirror.