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first off.. Did you have a passcode on it? if so go on iTunes and restart it. WARNING! -it may delete all you're memory. but if you don't want that to happen i wouldn't restore it.

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Q: You cannot open your iPhone how can you open it?
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you cannot play iPhone apps on your computer. And if you want to open games from your iTunes then you cannot either. iTunes is only for songs or games, videos, photos and apps for iPhone.

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You can use Dropbox, Dropbox is able to open some formats of video or audio files on your iphone. However, you cannot save these files to your iphone Music or Video without using iTunes.

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No, it cannot. The earliest iteration iPhone that can carry iOS 8 is the iPhone 4S.

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with your hands

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The iphone does not do MMS.The iphone will not allow you to forward an SMS.When browsing with Safari on the iphone, you cannot save images.its only available with att and its really expensive

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if you want to sink your iphone go to the bathroom and turn on the faucet and place iphone in water.if you want to sync your iphone plug it into your computer and open itunes

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first you open up your document then open the video file

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Put the iphone in a box of an old nokia phone and wait for them to open it up.

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Unfortunately you cannot remove it !!

How do iPhone call an angel?

You cannot that is remotely impossible.

Can you use ipod and iPhone apps on iTunes?

no you cannot use ipod and iphone apps on itunes, but you can buy the apps on itunes and put them on your ipod and iphone