I can't come up with any exact rhymes, but here are some close ones: Morse Code, dress code, zip code, encode, explode, forebode, outmode, a la mode, secret code, and church mode.
No. The word "in" does not rhyme with out.Examples of words that rhyme with out:AboutBoutCloutDoubtFloutGoutGroutLoutPoutRoutShoutSnoutStoutToutTroutExamples of words that rhyme with in:BinDinFinGinHenMenSinTenTinWhenWenWinYenYinZen
Words that Rhyme with gays:baysblazebraiseclaysdaysdazeflaysglazegreysgrazehazejayslaysmazemaizeMaysneighsnayspaysphraseplayspraysraysslaysspaysspraysstaysstraystazetrayswaysWaze
30 words rhyme with yule.Some words that rhyme with yule:CoolCruelDroolDuelFerruleFeruleFoolFuelGhoulJewelMinisculeMinusculeMisruleMoleculeMuleOverrulePlayschoolPoolPuleRetoolRidiculeRuleSchoolSpoolStoolToolTulleUncoolVestibuleYou'll
Words that rhyme with loop include:coopcroupdroophooppoopstoopsouptroop
External rhyme is rhyme that happens on the "outside" of the poem. In other words, the words at the end of the lines rhyme.
No it doesn't.Some words that rhyme with right are:biteblightbrightbytecitefightflightfrightheightkiteknightlightmightmitenightplightquiteritesightsitesleightslightspitespritetighttritewhitewrightwriteSome words that rhyme with eight are:atebaitbatedatefategatehatelatematepateplateratesatetraitwaitweight
Words that rhyme with looks include:booksbrooksChinookscookscrookshooksnooks,rooksschnook
The term for when the middle of words rhyme is called "internal rhyme." It occurs when words within the same line of poetry rhyme with each other.
no words rhyme
There are 29 words and phrases that rhyme with lower.
There are 618 words and phrases that rhyme with zoo.
No, star does not rhyme with sun.Some words that rhyme with star:afarajararebarcarcharfarjarmarparspartartsarSome words that rhyme with sun:bundonedunfungunhonnonenunonepunrunshunsonspunstuntonwon