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yes, provided the network carrier provides the micro sim required for the phone.

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Q: Will the iPhone 4 work on another carrier?
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Related questions

Where online can I find an iPhone 4 for sale?

An iPhone 4 can be purchased at any carrier of the iPhone. And any Apple in-store or online store.

Can you buy an iPhone 4 at AT and T?

Yes, actually it's the only carrier you can buy the iPhone 4 from in the US.

Is the iPhone 4 the only iPhone that will work with Verizon?

No, the iPhone 4 is not the only iPhone that will work with Verizon. All iPhone models, including the iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, and 5, will work with Verizon.

How much should a iPhone 4 cost a month?

It all depends on the carrier and the package you buy and dont get the iPhone 4 wait till the iPhone 5 its going to be badass.

How much is an iphone 4 car charger?

15 dollars depending on the carrier and where you buy it...

Where can I buy an iPhone 4 32 GB?

Check with your carrier--if they support the iPhone, they will have it in stock. Now that the iPhone 4S has come out, you can get the iPhone 4 for much less--$99. You can also buy direct from Apple's website with free shipping.

Can the iPhone 4 case work on the iPhone 4S?


Does Angry Birds space work on iPhone 3g?

I have a 3G iphone with ios 4 and it didn't work on it

What was the iPhone 4 carrier update for on March 5 2011?

One of the biggest iPhone announcements EVER. That was the announcement of the CDMA version of the iPhone 4, compatible with Verizon (and later Sprint, C Spire, and nTelos). This model may have almost tripled the iPhone's customers in the US.

Will iPhone work on Verizon network?

Yes. Both the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S work on Verizon's network. However, you will need to buy the version of the 4 or 4S that is compatible with Verizon.

What is cheaper on a contract iPhone 4 or HTC One X?

iPhone 4, largely because it released back in 2011, a year before the One X came out. The iPhone 4 is free on some carriers. HTC One X is $19.99 - $59.99 depending on the plan or carrier.

Does Pandora radio work on the Iphone 4?

I have an iPhone 4 and I listen to Pandora on it all the time! It works perfectly!