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Plumber's snake are used to dislodge all clogs, even those in the tub and shower.

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Q: Will a snake work on a shower drain?
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Why won't your shower drain?

Probably a hair clog. Snake it or use a drain cleaner.

Why does the shower overflow when I use the bathroom sink?

You have a partial blockage downstream of where the shower drain & the sink drain join into one pipe. You could try a thin plumber's snake, or add some drain cleaner, some bleach, or vinegar. About a liter of vinegar is the safest and should work well enough. Davis (

Why does your upstairs toilet and drains gurgle and back up when your down stairs shower and toilet work just fine?

The drain is plugged somewhat between the upstairs and downstairs. Need to snake the drains.

Can you run your basement shower drain to your sump which then pumps to your septic system Do you have to plumb the drain to your grinder pump?

The sump should work as long as you have a strainer in the shower

What would cause the garbage disposal in an apartment to back up into the bathtub which is now not draining?

Your kitchen sink drain and your shower drain are connected to a common drain line. There is some sort of blockage in the drain line past the point where the shower drain ties in. You need to call a plumber to run a snake through the drain line from the kitchen to where it ties in to the main drain of your house.

Is the shower drain has a ubend or straight pipe?

Shower drain goes into a trap under shower. Continue piping from trap to drain line.

Why would your bathroom shower begin to flood everytime you use your upstairs shower or sink?

This could be due to a clogged drain in your bathroom shower, causing water to back up when water is being used upstairs. It's possible that there is a blockage in the plumbing system that is preventing proper drainage. It is advisable to have a plumber inspect and clear the blockage to prevent further flooding.

How do you cleanout drain from washing machine detergent?

Run a snake through it. Drain cleaner might work, but I wouldn't promise it.

Drain Cleaning Snake?

form_title= Drain Cleaning Snake form_header= Problems with your drain? Get a snake. Have you ever used a drain snake before?*= () Yes () No Do you often have problems with drainage?*= () Yes () No How old is the plumbing?*= _ [50]

How do you know if shower pipe is clogged?

Water won't drain from shower. Either trap or shower drain line is clogged.

What will dissolve plastic I have a shaving cream cap stuck in my shower drain snake didnt work.?

probably Acetone will do, but u will have to to get good quality one and somehow keep this cap in it bc it will take a while. dont breath in acetone!! it may be poisonous

How do you unplug your toilet?

Either plunge it or run a plumbers snake through to rid the blockage.