Join a fan made group/ clan or join a group
Go To The Group Page And Click Join Group If There Is No Button You May Have To Leave A Group
The correct grammar should be "I will definitely join this group too."
The correct grammar for that sentence would be "I will definitely join this group."
If you believe that what the group is doing is right, then join them!
You don't !!! If others want to join the group they click on the group and then click on JOIN GROUP .. then he joins it with the permission of the owner of the group !!! :D
State 4 reasons as to why people join group?
To join an Edmodo group, you will need a unique group code provided by the group's administrator. You can request the group code from your teacher or administrator to join their Edmodo group.
It is simple to join a group discussion on the internet. The easiest way to join is to find where the discussion is taking place and reply with a comment.
It means you can join a group for an outing or other activities...when ever you go your group will follow you till you disband the group,and you can all have fun together with your friends in group.
by paying people to join your group
He did not join a group. He wanted to start a painters' community at Arles, but it did not happen.