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People have different tastes. Some people want to look at Asian nudes or other pictures of people that they don't know. Some people prefer to live in the real world and develop relationships with real people.

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Q: Why would people want to ask this question about Asian nudes?
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Who is an Asian?

Anyone who is born in the continent of Asia can be considered Asian. People of Asian descent can also be considered Asian although some people from the Middle East would not identify themselves as Asian.

What country do people have to be from to have Asian eyes?

Pretty much any one from Asia would have "Asian eyes".

What is the percent of people in Ireland that are Asian?

According to the 2006 census, the last one made, it would work out at about 1.125% of people in Ireland are Asian.

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The British Empire has waxed and waned over the years, so this question should really specify a year. There was a time when the answer to this question would have been, Asian. That is no longer the case. Another possibly answer would be: tea drinkers.

Is the any psychological info on a person who refuses to answer a question by ignoring or not responding and why would a person do this?

If someone feels the answer would be embarrassing or make them look bad, they might not answer it. It is a common Asian behaviour to ignore other people.

Where can one find pictures of cute Asian girls?

This is an inappropriate question as the response would be unsuitable for all age groups. This is another question that should have been weeded out before people like me had to spend time answering it and then not get a bonus.

Are Shaman people white?

The origin of the word Shaman is from the Tungus people, who would be considered asian.

Are frilz fakes real pictures of real girls?

Judging by the fact that it has "fake" in the title I would say no. Also they are nudes of celebs like Selena Gomez, who doesn't do nudes. Frilz does great fakes though.

What is Pluto's name in Asian?

Pluto is not named differently in Asian languages. It is still referred to as Pluto in various languages, including Asian languages.

Who were the first people to drink milk?

from non human mammals!- semitic or asian people would be my best answer

Why do Asians act like kids?

It actually depends on what age of an Asian you are talking about. If you are talking about an Adult Asian, then that would be defientily rude. If you are talking about a Child Asian, then, that is a stupid question because of course they act like kids... they are kids!

Is it bad to sext a boy fake pictures you find on the Internet when you really don't want him to get my nudes and he thinks you like him?

Many would say it is downright wrong. For one thing, if you don't want him to have nudes of you, why would you use nudes of someone else that you find on the Internet? For another, why send him nudes at all? Just because you like someone or he likes you certainly does not mean that you should "bare all" to him. There may also be laws that cover such things as using someone else's pictures in that manner, especially if the boy shares them with others and the girl somehow finds out.