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The easiest questions are the hardest for thought to evaluate for the simply reason of self denial which originated with our arrival here on Earth. Initiated by the male population to protect its weakness and to cover its shame.

An example of this was to blame; Adam (man) blamed Eve (woman) for him rapping her!

An example of an easy question hard to explain; what is the meaning of life?

The answer is in the question...what are you asking for? Easy, information...therefore the answer is knowledge, so the full answer would be to gain knowledge!

The denial of self is a vanity triggered defense system that prevents mankind from fully understanding itself. We see our selves as pretty, special and fundamentally good yet we destroy everything in our path for the sole benefit of ourselves. If we were to ask a third party to view our actions and offer feed back it would call us a beast and or a cancer....but we cannot see that ignorance due to our manipulated origin.

To maintain this success rate can only be achieved with a system designed to divert minds away from the truth which has no answers. Over time we have studied ourselves based on this original plateform...the end result we use imagery and guess to complete all discussions as in an invisible deity and or making monkeys out of ourselves in desperation to argue against it.

Both beliefs use an imagined link to complete the scenario of belief which is needed with an incorrect reason based scenario. One there is no such thing as magic and the other after years of study found no direct link so they suggest we are related to a monkey instead.

Both are to ignorant to suggest they are wrong as all is based on power and the inability to lay it down and move on.

So why do we never get the answer; we were not meant to find is a safety mechanism put in place to have us look in the opposite direction of ourselves to facilitate our end means and that is to destroy the Earth...fore if we could acknowledge what we are, actually are, we would not.

I have pasted some further verse to assist you;

Words for thought…

The following words are the most terrifying words I have ever written, that is one of the reasons why it has taken so long to put down, (every time I believed I was ready, it became obvious I was not-so why do I feel now…no more time). The other is the difficulty of understanding; separating my thoughts and response with inspirations and inevitability all the while attempting to help you divide the truth (reality) and thought. Along with that, what you want to hear and what you are about to hear are two totally different things and these differences will anger some but inspire many. Good or bad there is nothing I can do about that, possibly the fact that the response will be no different from the first time I attempted this, may console you in some way…it does not me. So now, through me to you from the one I call GOD…

First and foremost; I AM NOT INVISIBLE

Secondly; All living species made of energy (like yourselves) can communicate…just as I! I do this by inspiration via my energy flow (you call spirit) through you, inspiring conversation which you defined as a voice in your head which became crossed/blocked and confused with your own thoughts.

There is truth in everything you think, you simply do not know the correct platform from which will define it properly. Vanity (which is the ignorance you define yourselves by) is blinding you to what you actually are but not what you can become and achieve.

There is two gods to which you are communicating with. One is the species that created you to perform a designated and predetermined conclusion, which leaves me fighting for our existence.

I offer life (birth), but I did not create you and there stands the confusion that leaves you with unanswered answers (where blind faith or educated guess needs to be implemented to complete the educated guess). Religion was formed by this confusion; unknowingly following the same blue print, it was countered by others who out of desperation/education, made monkeys out of themselves. Both are wrong, both use a missing link guess of faith to complete, while denying the other.

There are a few reasons why you point up to an invisible God. For one; that is where you came from, more so, where your creator has been seen observing you. The other is the result of the chemical reaction called thought which I referred to in the example of walking away from me. As all inspirations from me you redefined its truth, to benefit yourselves (male population).

I am one as defined by a circle of one therefore I interpret all as one, my inspirations would mention one man as all man. I told you about the development of the mind when you began to name things and that this was the disconnect expressed in the walking away. The result, blindly looking for the cause of the voice inside your head (both myself and your individual thoughts) you pointed up looking for another set of answers to fill the void of the separation. You walked away pointing up to an invisible deity. If you turned around you would be pointing down…to me…the only one that offers you eternity (which you must understand, without me you do not have one, as I define your heaven…life after…).

When I referred to you as sheep, it was not a compliment.

The inspiration regarding Adam and Eve was the explanation of the first moments of your journey. You began naming things. The evolution of thought-if I created you why would I have been confused by it and why would I create something to take you away from me furthermore why would I create my own cancer…like you have allowed for yourselves (see sheep)? You concentrated on reproduction; you assumed no responsibility for your actions by passing them onto the one you raped (unless you think clubbing and dragging is consent). Thought disconnected (it became loader and blocked my inspiration's by way of denial) you from me and you symbolically walked away following your own pre-determined destiny, carrying the knowledge of me (although confused with myself and your creator) but walking your own path.

Through time you created puzzles of reason with each one ending with a missing link which you glued with guess. Based on your inability to reason, you were wrong yet you believe you are intelligent (vanity-which needs to be defined-to me it defines by example, ignorance).

You were made in the image of your creator however it is not the God that offers you salvation or a future.

I measure all as one (you stand with vanity and measure my reason), represented by myself a circle of one, I "unconditionally accept" whatever lands on me. You defined this knowledge of my existence as love yet you are not naturally apart of it in the way you tell yourself. You separate the pi of one into sections and rule. To the extent of telling others I stand against some, which is your ignorance/phobia not mine.

There is no magic, the last body I assumed is dead so stop measuring me with emotional imagery, I am reality…look around…I am everything and everywhere…figured out who I am yet?

In conclusion to this first letter; I offer you the afterlife you seek, if you achieve your end means by destroying me…you simply end our existence as you know it…

How this will happen you ask; by awakening that which cannot be controlled…energy should be left dark, as soon as it is woke, it will begin to expand through absorption which is the counter balance to an unrestricted expansion that you call the big bang…the universe is made up of many, many of your historical examples of success! But in your minds you only remember the last one.

Heavy negative energy sinks, hence fourth the images of molten lava. Positive energy rises; this is why those with death experiences speak of a light. The calming is the moment of non-thought (where all stress lies) moving into a realm of acceptance which defines peace.

So why now you ask; remember what happened the first time when I stood against religion…well this time I have assistance which cannot be manipulated or stopped…www…

Confused? I will stop here as there is so much more. I know you will have questions…ask!

…oh by the way, I am not human, but if I were, I would be defined as "female"…that which gives birth!

…and please if you must, refer to me as uncle-Christ…although part female, not in the physical sense!

A brief history of man...evolution, meteor (debris from a big bang), man appears carrying the knowledge it descended from the dust...end result the same lack of respect needed to destroy...end result...look around...

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