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The telephone was made to help people communicate with eachother when they were not within shouting range, and do so more easilly than with a telegraph.

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Q: Why was the telephone made?
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Who made the dang telephone?

i believe Alexander Graham Bell made the telephone,but im not sure...

What is Alexander Bell's most famous invention?

his hardest invention was the telephone

What is the modern day telephone made of?

the lates telephone was invented in 2013

What material was a Victorian telephone made of?

It was made of steel.

Date the telephone was made?

The telephone was invented in 1876, by Alexander Graham Bell

What is the appropriate sound made by telephone called?

Analog sound generator made by telephone ringing IB

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Where was the first telephone made at?

i dont no

What are some questions and answers about the telephone?

some question on telephones are what are telephones made of? Of courses the main thing a telephone is made of a battery

What word is older teleconference or telephone?

teleconference because the teleconference was made before the telephone.

What did the telephone do when Alexander graham bell made it?

what he did is that he went to the national invention academy and did improvements.when it was famous he made more telephone and use it to communicate