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In real life, no aliens are known to exist, Sorry. It is fun to pretend, isn't it?

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Q: Why the aliens live in the planet earth?
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Are there aliens if so what planet do they live on?

aliens live in space

Do aliens live on the planet mars?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that aliens live on Mars or any other planet. The search for extraterrestrial life is ongoing, but as of now, we have not found any conclusive proof of alien existence.

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What is the name of the planet we live on?

the planet we live on is earth

What are extraterestrials?

Aliens, people from some other planet than earth.

What is the film the War of the Worlds about?

Earth is invaded by aliens from another planet.

Where is earth located on your planet?

Hello, confused space aliens! Earth IS our planet, so we pretty much just have to look down.

Which planet do we live?

Earth is the planet we live on. Earth has one moon.

You know nordic aliens living on another planet?

Nordics live in another realm same as the earth plane only a different time and place.

Can aliens live on Neptune?

the only way for aliens to live on Neptune is they have to be able to survive on a planet like neptune. it wouldn't be a very good choice unless the could live on a freezing and mostly gas planet.

Why wouldn't aliens be able to live on earth?

Aliens probably could live on earth. As far as we know there is no life that can survive with out water food and oxygen.

When was Planet Earth Live created?

Planet Earth Live was created in 2010.