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Facebook is a very addicting site that obviously causes everyone to go on this website as soon as they power there computers. Children under 16 or even below this age have very important education to learn, and they have to concentrate in it. This site causes people, or more like preteens, to spend hours doing nothing but looking at pictures of other friends/family or commenting, subscribing, and other things that are to do on this site. My advice to people would be that don't let your children create a Facebook at an early age. This will not just cause them to ruin there education process, but also, it will waste a lot of time from them. MySpace would be doing the same thing.

What I am trying to explain is that children/preteens spend so much time in these things that they start to forget about other things that are very much more important. I hope parents who are reading this realize what an impact it can make in a child's/preteens life. Hopefully this helped you to understand!

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kids should use face book because many children can get bullied or kidnapped

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Is it legal for kids under 13 to have social networking sites?

Anyone is allowed to have a Social Networking Account, it doesn't matter. Although it is reccommended by many, that kids under 13 should not necessarily have an account for safety issues and concerns.

Can you have facebook if your age is 13?

Kids under 13 years of age are not allowed to use Facebook social networking website.

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Some online social networking sites that are considered to be safe for kids are Togetherville, ScuttlePad and Skid-e Kids. Because of the dangers of general social networking sites, these sites were created and strictly monitored to allow kids to interact safely.

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Bri What - 2011 Allykatzz Safe Social Networking for Kids was released on: USA: 15 September 2011

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Social Networking sites recommend that you don't have an account until you are at least 13 years old.

What is the purpose of social networking sites for kids?

So they can connect with friends! XD

Is there a facebook for kids only?

No, but there are plenty of child-friendly social networking sites.

What is togethville?

a rip off of facebook. aka- a social networking sight for kids

Is there any social networking sites for your kids like facebook?

I Would Say Scuttlepad

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There is no official number for how many kids are kicked out of school for social networking. Many schools have filtering software on their networks which prohibit students from even visiting the websites on school grounds.

Should kids have a MySpace because most people are on Facebook and Twitter?

It is up to you what social networking website you want to use. You should be at least 13 years old to have one though.