Ads are annoying but they pay for the hardware of the site (which is free to you).
Ads help to generate revenue for the site. There is the option of registering for the site, and turning off ads in your site settings.
If you join the site as a member, then you won't see the ads. It only takes a minute to sign up, and you can join using your Facebook account or email address.
Sign up as a member and you'll have the option of not seeing the ads. Just unclick the ads option on your My Settings page which all members have.
The plan is usually to make memorable ads; one way of doing that is to make annoying ones - if you remember it, then it's worked.
Yeah. I'll be in the middle of a video then it'll suddenly redirect me to an advertisement site. Getting really annoying.
coz they have rubbish ads
One way is to actually join the site and become a member. Members don't get bombarded by ads. WikiAnswers is a free site, so you don't have to pay to join.
Why decide it's useless when you never bothered to register so you can even use all it's features yet. Don't be a hair dryer-Form an opinion when you have more than 1 contribution instead of blowing hot air around.
coz they have rubbish ads
Almost every website carries adverts (they generate income for the site owners). If advertising is annoying - there are plenty of programs available to suppress adverts in websites (but they won't get rid of ALL adverts).