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No, texting is too much a distraction. The purpose for being is school is related to school, learning. Texting and electronic devices that do not support learning have no place in the classroom.

Some states even prohibit the possession of electronic devices such as cell phones on school property during regular school hours.

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Q: Why should kids not be allowed to eat in class?
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in moderation, afterall they are kids and do not like healthy eating its more fun for them to eat junk food and it tastes great

Why-should students be allowed to eat in class?

Most students think that if they eat in class they can escape loud noise or so they can play with the things they bring to school, or because cafeterias are quite cold, there's unanimous reasons why students should be allowed well in their own opinion. Students should be allowed to eat in class because it can help them focus. I am in high school and I know when I get hungry in class it is really hard for me to focus on my work rather then my stomach. It doesn't necessarily mean take 4 bags of hot cheetos to school and give everybody some. Just take a small snack. Such as a bag of crackers or and apple maybe a small piece of candy. Just something to tie you over until lunch.

What happens if students eat snacks in class?

it depends on the teacher, school, country and wether or not your allowed to wat the snack in class

Are kids allowed to eat Bacardi rum balls?

NO it has the word rum in it rum is liquor

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Should kids eat at their desk?

yes as long as they clean their desks afterI think kids should not eat at their desk because when kids eat it might mess up their assignments.You never know when a kid ruins their stuff just for that.