No, the Metro-Camell stopped its operation. It was a Birmingham, England based manufacturer of railway carriages and wagons.
Yes, you can. Metro is the same as any other phone company. You just have to google " tracking phone messagings and calls" and a bunch of websites should come up. Hope this Helps, (:
sounds like a thermostat problem. I would try that it is cheap and easy to replace.
1996 metro calls for dextron 2, should tell you on your transmission dip stick
Broken timing belt?
hold the off button for 5 seconds.
early Metro were Japanese design... mostly made in the US..... since 1998 the Chevrolet company has modified design and built them in Canada and US. Stopped production in 2001
passward not working mobile traker
When the fuel pump goes out on 92 geo metro is it sudden or slow
HI, Have you checked the bulb and the fuse? Eithr one of those is the first place to check, and is the front/back working when the other is not? You need to check those first then check the flasher but turn on your emergency flasher and see if all your bulbs work. Happy Thanksgiving. Steve H.
The emergency flasher relay is more than likely defective. Replace it.