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It isn't. perhaps you have not learned how to navigate it yet.

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Q: Why is this answers site always messd up?
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Why is the world messed up?

Humans. Lack of money. == == If u really think about it its money that messd up the world. Also all of the expensive things in the world.

Is the world messed up?

Humans. Lack of money. == == If u really think about it its money that messd up the world. Also all of the expensive things in the world.

What rhymes with Tyson?

There is only one official name that rhymes with the name Tyler. Skyler is a unisex name that rhymes with Tyler.

Should there be a period after etc?

Yes, but that rule is not always followed in questions on this site because we are not supposed to use punctuation in questions, because the site isn't set up for us to use punctuation in questions. It is set up for us to be able to use punctuation in answers, though.

Why do you always go to and get questions?

Because this is a question and answer site, there are probably more questions than they are answers though. This is because we can't keep up with them all, however, we do our best to answer them all!

How can I contact Melbourne Victory players?

look them up on google google has all the answers always always always

Is someone making this site up?

No - these are real questions, and real answers, by real people !

Why was standardization important to china?

man this site is supposed to have all the answers this is messed up

Why does Answers always freeze up?

Since I first started using Answers - way back in 2009, I have NEVER had it 'freeze up' on me. I suggest the problem lies not with the Answers website - but elsewhere !

When did William Rufus rule England and for how long?

your web site suckes there are no answers to my qustions other answers come up plz answer my quistions

How do you get Pearson success net answers?

honestly, i think that you have to go to your teachers to get answers. unless you have an answer book on your site. If you look up "answers to PearsonSuccessNet", sometimes different websites have answers to math and science problems.

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I hate this site it does not tell you any of the answers you look up