There is no one person answering questions, but many persons.
Boys, girls, men and women all answer questions here.
No, certainly not. Ordinary users from all over the world are able to answer questions that they find here. But we are certainly glad to hear that you are getting answers to questions!
No we are not bots, we are all people dedicating time to help out others.
Well, I am answering this one. And someone else registered on this site is answering another one. There is no specific person assigned to a question. It's all about knowledge. If you know the answer to a question, you answer it.
No. Lots of different people answer the questions, not just one person. All of those people are not related to Bill Gates.
There is no charge for answering or asking questions. All WikiAnswers wants are brief, clear and accurate answers. If you can do that, great!
Because typing in all caps online is the same as shouting online.
People from all over the world answer these questions. Every person has different levels of education and some people use English as a second language.
i t's used for asking and answering questions
Basically, yes.