Given a chance to choose one from a book and eBook, an intelligent person will always go for eBook over a normal book. Simple reason, eBooks takes some 10s of times lesser initial cost for production which makes the price of eBooks comparatively very low. Apart from that, eBooks absolutely takes no physical space to get stored. Even in computer or eBook reader device it occupies very low space on hard disk. An eBook is easily readable and it gives the option of adjusting font sizes for readers. This will be helpful for many people who have defective or artificial vision. Also eBooks are easy to manage and its easy to find required information on page with latest search features. On other hand, in printed books we have to search manually. Following are the few factors which show why eBooks are better than normal printed books.
The internet is way better than books because with books you can get detailed information on advanced calculus and buying a new golf club on ebay at the same time. Besides with books it takes forever to find the one sentence you need for the speech you are going to give in 30 seconds. Finally without the internet you couldn't post this question for me to answer.
because it is bad for your eyes and easier to see on the page
we have books but when we have books so many are required according to the topics but when we search in the internet just with in seconds we will get the matter
yes binders are better
Funny books are better than boring books. If a book is boring why would you want to continue to read the book?
books is better becaz if you stick to the books you will more interesting answers to your question but when you get it off the internet its no good coz you diddent learn it you just copyed nd pasted. its a different story if you read it but if you read it you still wount get the same answer as you books. some say the internet gives you a more open answer but it takes you ages to find wat u wont nd to get it nd wen u get to skul the teacher mite say its not wat she wonted!!! nd then that's all your effort wazted!! books are way better than the internet or computer!!!
The internet is better than an encyclopedia simply because the internet contains more information and is always up to date.
Yes, Google Chrome is better than IE in internet banking. It is because of the better security protocols in Chrome.
If you are looking for his most popular books than i would recommen reading the Lost Hero series. It is better than the Percy Jackson books and are better books for reports.
Mozilla is better than Internet explorer because of features. It is also better due to running scripts more.
I think it depends on whether you intend to download books away from your internet connection. Generally most people would use their home internet to download books and then take their kindle away with them. All the 3G does is allow you to have a remote internet connection away from your home allowing you to download books whilst travelling on a train or bus or in a car.