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Because Google doesn't have people that manually filter it.

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11y ago

You may need to adjust your settings, Honey.

It does this with me sometimes.

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Q: Why is Google giving you such stupid results with nothing to do with your search?
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This is not a valid question. These search terms DO return results on Google.

Is there a pink Google?

Yes and No There is a pink website that is nothing more than a pink page containing a Google search field. It is indeed a Google search with Google results but the site is not a product of Google. It was known as Google Pink but after complaints from Google the name was changed to Pink Search. See Related Links for a link to Pink Search.

How do you get a photo removed from Google search results?

Google search results only reflect what is on the web. The content, including photos, that appear in search results are controlled by the webmasters of the sites that host the photos. In order to have a photo removed from Google search results, you must first contact the webmaster of the site the photo is on and ask that it be removed from the site or blocked from appearing in search results. For detailed instructions of the process, visit the Google page at the Related Link.

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Anyone can ask Google to email by "Google Alerts" at anytime that Google find new results related to your search term.

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If you know what you want from Google search but have failed finding desirable results, then you can find it by using the advanced search option of Google.

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What is the highest number of results that Yahoo or Google search can show on one page?

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How do you remove WikiAnswers from your search?

To remove a site, or WikiAnswers site, from search results in google. Just type the search terms, Like this "Search Term" without the quotation marks around your search term. That tells Google that you don't want the search results to include wiki.answers. Or whatever site you put for Google to search.

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