It is probably one of those, so stupid it's funny explanations but I think it is mainly Charlie's comments like "I can't tell if you're adorable or creepy" or the fact that he calmly accepts all the weird things going on around him.
i like charlie the unicorn
Charlie the Unicorn is an internet animation by Jason Steele of Film Cow. Charlie the Gay Unicorn does not exist.
Charlie the Unicorn is a unicorn that is constantly irrated by two other unicorns. Charlie the Unicorn is the best unicorn ever!!!
There is no Charlie the Unicorn 4 genius!
The duration of Charlie the Unicorn is 180.0 seconds.
I don't believe that there is a charlie the unicorn 5. I very much wish there was. Charlie the unicorn 2 is very great.
Charlie the Unicorn was created on 2005-11-26.
3There are more then 3, there are..Charlie the unicornCharlie the unicorn 2Charlie the unicorn 3YouTube Live: Charlie the UnicornCharlie the Unicorn "Hot Topic" VideoAnd i think that's it. :)
Charlie the Unicorn 2 is of course a sequel to Charlie the Unicorn, and has been followed by many more episodes. The creator of all of these episodes, including Charlie the Unicorn 2, is a man by the name of Jason Steele.
because he wanted to so stay out of our bissness
Yes, I've seen a mug with Charlie The Unicorn on it before.
Purple Unicorn: Glub Glub Glub Glub Glub Glub Glub Glub Glub Glub Pink Unicorn: (Funny Noises) Purple Unicorn: Look over there it's a coral reef. Charlie: oh look its you guys and your floating. Purple Unicorn: Charlie we're scuba- diving charlie Pink Unicorn: We're exploring the depths of the ocean blue. Purple Unicorn: oh no here comes a school of Poisonous fugu fish. Pink unicorn: Nooooooooooooo. Fuguu. Charlie: ahh you gotta watch out for those. so ah go away i'm watching TV. Purple Unicorn: The vortex has opened. Charlie: Oh god okay what is this. Purple Unicorn: Charlie we're being pulled into the vortex. Pink Unicorn: Swim away Fugu fish. Swim away. Charlie: come on now you guys are freaking me out. Turn this thing off. Purple Unicorn: There's no stopping the vortex charlie. Pink Unicorn: Fugu Charlie: Guys? Guys.. or girls i'm not really not sure what you 2 are? Purple Unicorn: Charlie Charlie i have the amulet. Charlie: What amulet? What's going on? Purple Unicorn: The amulet charlie the magical amulet. Sparkle Sparkle Pink Unicorn: Sparkle Charlie: I don't Understand what you're talking about. Purple Unicorn: The amulett Purple Unicorn: (Funny Noises) Purple Unicorn: We did it Pink Unicorn: We got the amulet. Charlie: Great now go away. i'm tired of the horrible things that happen when you are around. Purple Unicorn: Noooooo Charlie Pink Unicorn: Noo Purple Unicorn & Pink Unicorn:( Funny Noises) Purple Unicorn: We have to take the amulet to the Banana King. Charlie: ahh Yes the Banana King. Of course absolutely Not. Pink Unicorn: He's counting on us charlie ( Funny Noises) Purple Unicorn: If we don't get the amulet to the Banana King the vortex will open and let out a thousand years of darkness. Pink Unicorn: Noo darkness Charlie: Ahhh all right fine i'll go I'll go. Purple Unicorn & Pink Unicorn: Yayyyyy Pink Unicorn: Darkness. Purple Unicorn & Pink Unicorn:( FUNNY NOISES) Charlie: What are you 2 doing? Purple Unicorn & Pink Unicorn:(FUNNY NOISES) Charlie: Stop that. Purple Unicorn: ( Funny noise) Charlie: Oh look at that. Purple Unicorn & Pink Unicorn: Z Purple Unicorn: El Hombre Con el sombrero nos envio Pink Unicorn: El Nos Quenta Muchas historias asombrosas Z: (Funny noises) Purple Unicorn & Pink Unicorn: ha ha ha ha Charlie: What Pink Unicorn: Cenemos en Tortugas esta noche. Purple Unicorn: SE ven buenos ellos si? Z: ( Funny noises) Charlie: Ahh What did u 2 do. Purple Unicorn & Pink Unicorn: Z Purple Unicorn: Soy Feliz Z: ( Funny noises) Purple Unicorn & Pink Unicorn: ha ha ha ha Z: ( Funny noises) Charlie: Just keep walking charlie keep walking. Purple Unicorn: Hop on board the train Charlie Pink Unicorn: Its gonna take us to the Banana King. Charlie: I don't see any train. All i see is a giant sneaker. Purple Unicorn: its the choo choo shoe Charlie Pink Unicorn: the choo choo shoee Purple Unicorn: Hurry Charlie its about to leave Purple Unicorn & Pink Unicorn: Chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga Shoe shoe. Purple Unicorn & Pink Unicorn: Chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga Shoe shoe. Charlie: Yeah i forgot my boarding pass. I'll Just walk. Pink Unicorn: We're here charlie Purple Unicorn: the Temple of the Banana King Charlie: Great Let's leave the amulet and go home. ( WEIRD NOISE) Charlie: Who is that? Charlie:no no really you guys see it right? Charlie: I got to be honest i'm getting creeped out here. Sombody say something. SONG: Charlie you look quite down with your big fat eyes and your big fat frown The world doesn't have to be so gray. Charlie When your lifes a mess When your felling blue always in distress I know what can wash that sad away All you have to do is Put a Banana in your ear Charlie: A banana in my ear? Put a ripe banana right into your favorite ear It's true Charlie: Says who? So True once it's in your gloom will disappear The bad in the world is hardly hear. When in your ear a Banana cheers So go and put a banana in your ear. Chorus: Put a Banana in your ear. Charlie: I'd rather keep my ear clear. Chorus: You will never be happy if you live your life in fear It's true Charlie: says u so true when it's in the sky's are bright and clear oh every day of every year the sun shines bright in this big blue sphere So go and put a Banana in your eeeeeeaaaaaarrrrrr Charlie: oh of course he burst into flames Purple Unicorn: Go forth magical amulet return to the Banana King. Amulet: (Funny Noises) Purple Unicorn: Charlie you're the Bunana King Charlie: What ay ay hold on a minute Banana: You're the Banana King Charlie Charlie: No i'm not that doesn't even make sense Purple Unicorn: all hail the Banana King Charlie: I'm not the Banana King. Purple Unicorn: You are the Banana King Charlie: No No I'm I'm Banana: Banana Banana Banana Banana Banana Charlie: i'm I am the Banana King Purple Unicorn & Pink Unicorn: Yayyyy Banana: You are the Banana King Charlie: I'm the Banana King Yeah. Hey. Where did u go? Charlie: Guys? Hello? Charlie:Get me down from here. Charlie: Ahh Okay that's a sprain. Charlie: Hello? Hello? Charlie: Guys where are u? Charlie: ohh u got to be. Great they robbed me Charlie: ahh Purple Unicorn: Charlie? Charlie:What? What do u want? Purple Unicorn: ( Funny Noise)