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If a TV show or movie uses a real telephone number in a fictional context, many people will dial the number just to see who answers, or even expecting the fictional character to answer.

Historically, the 555 prefix within each North American area code was reserved for directory assistance. The only number used was 555-1212, but for technical reasons the whole prefix had to be reserved for that one number. That made it ideal for fictional phone numbers.

There has been talk of assigning other 555 numbers for various purposes; for example, 555-TAXI might be used by a taxi company. For that reason, only the range of numbers 555-0100 through 555-0199 should be used in works of fiction.

The above information applies to the U.S. and Canada, but other countries have their own reserved ranges for fictitious phone numbers. In the UK, for instance, 496-0xxx is a reserved range in several large cities, and 07700 900xxx is a reserved range for fictitious mobile phone numbers.

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