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because they suck that's why

i cant get any of my questions answered right either

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Q: Why don't you give us real answers?
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give us answers people just dont get that

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You will have to give us more information to get a real answer. Good questions = good answers.

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You will have to give us more information to get a real answer. Good questions = good answers.

Why does WikiAnswers not have real true answers to questions?

You must remember that WikiAnswers depends on people like you and us to give the answers so they might not always be right.

What can you give to us?

I can provide information, answer questions, offer suggestions, and engage in conversations on a wide range of topics. How can I assist you today?

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you guys dont know anything because if someone asked you a question you wouldnt even know the answer to it. Whats the point in having this website called answers you dont give us answers you give us crap so get a life and find the answers out for yourself then put them online dont just guess the answer oh and by the way i know loads of people who thing this website sucks so sort it out !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You need to tell us WHICH rifle for us to give you an answer that has any real meaning. Sorry- good questions= good answers.

Why dont you give good answers?

You have asked no other questions to judge us by. Why not try it & then see if what you get is good or bad since you have nothing to base your opinion on.

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It is a wheel and axle.

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Because School board of Directors are complete idiots and dont want to give us real laptops. Instead they give us these "netbooks" And Yes I am talking to you Clarksville High school

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this is supposed to be a website which tells us the answers dont have them there is you cant tell us the answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I only wish I knew. M. A. H. wrote this on 12-6-08 ^,..,^ give us real answers timber and fish =D