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There's an appear offline option, so people can be online on facebook, with no-one else seeing them there

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Q: Why don't some of my friends who I know are online on Facebook not show up on the Friends online box?
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Will Facebook delete you if you have no friends?

No, even if you had no friends added on facebook, they have no right to delete you. I have a spare account with no friends on it and I let my little sister play the games you can get on it, dont worry :)

I can't see my online friends in Facebook what i did was to click the friends list but i don't know how to use it so i close it and the next day i checked my online friends but i can't see it?

sometimes facebook has problems, and it goes abit funny. mine does this all the time just persevere with it, and dont worry, it will work again soon. lol its just abit daft i think :P

Why are people deleting facebook friends?

Because people these days dont get along

How do you make it so nobody can add you as a friend on Facebook not even friends of friends?

dont add them yourself? they send you a request and you decline them?

What things should you consider before accepting new friends on facebook?

do you know them if you do then add them if you dont then dont

How can you play hanging with friends on computer?

yes.... if u have a facebook... which i dont... :(

Is Facebook bad for you?

No its not facebook is good for kids. The kids shoulld have facebook to talk to he/her friends and family well i may wong. You will have to tell your kids dont add people they dont no.

Who likes to have friends on thier facebook account that dont interact?

Check out this free software that enables you too remove inactive friends from your facebook list its free check out my bio for more info

How Facebook is usefull?

for one thing it helps you get connected with family and friends,entertains you with games, and chat about stuff with friends if you dont know thier number

Can you choose who you want as your friends on Facebook?

yes you can if people add you and you dont want them you can just decline them.

Can you chat with friends online at

can you chat with friends online at answers-com My answer is no because i leave people a message on thur message board but they are never online i guess?. whats up my home dog is pooping Yes you can chat with friends you dont know or friends you want to know online

How could you make more friends?

how can you make more friends?? i dont know just talk to the people act all cool and dont tell them that ur there best friend ok i said that i tried that to so it works i have 100 friends in schoo / facebook