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Q: Why doesnt she answer her phone but will text you?
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Text with yahoo does it charge friend?

No It Doesnt Some Plans Or Phone Services Might Charge You

What does it mean if your boyfriend doesnt text you back?

He could either be mad at you or he lost his phone call him!

What is a good cell phone for a preteen that parents would find safe for texting ect?

any cell phone...texting doesnt differ in danger from phone to phone put limits on where they can text

Is it bad if a friend doesnt respond to your text message but usually does?

No. Mabey or friend is away for a moment or their phone has died.

You texted your bf soon 2 b married a text from someone eles phone to c if he would tell you if he doesnt what should you do?

i think text him and seee if he tells the truth to someone he doesnt kow than rather telling you

What do you do if a guy you hooked up with texts you first so you text back but he doesnt reply?

Maybe his phone isn't working or he's unwell; if your text went through it'll be on his phone and he might get back to you. If he doesn't, who cares?

Could you text Holland with t mobile?

I have the same problem! I am on o2 and cant text someone who lives in Holland, with a holland mobile number and they cant text me! It doesnt send, no matter how much money i have on my phone.

Im trying to text someone who lives in Romania and has a phone from there but it doesnt work?

I suggest to go in an office of your mobile phone provider to check the link and the phone. Also check the phone number in Romania, including the correct prefix.

What does it mean if a guy ignores your text message?

Maybe he isn't near his phone or it may be dead. Maybe he just doesnt feel like talking.

Can you text if cell phone not charged?

You cannot text from a cell phone that is not charged.You can text to a cell phone that is not charged; however, the recipient will not be able to receive the text until the phone is charged.

What do you mean by text phone?

A text phone is a cellphone with texting abilities.

Can i get text from a disconnected phone?

when the disconnected cell phone turns on then it will have the message (text) in it.