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Embarrassment. Your body temperature increases making your skin turn red.

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Q: Why does the skin turn red when a person blushes?
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Why does skin turn red when sperm touches it?

Skin does not always turn red when sperm touches it. If a person's turns red it could be due to an allergic reaction. Simply wash the area with soap and water and it should be fine.

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What happens physically when someone blushes?

When someone blushes, blood vessels in the cheeks dilate, causing more blood to flow to the surface of the skin. This increased blood flow creates the red or pink color associated with blushing. Blushing is a natural physiological response triggered by emotions such as embarrassment, shyness, or attraction.

What is a Hikkey?

its when blood risen to the skin because of someone sucking on the skin makeing the pressure rise(have someone suckon you till it turns red) not necessarily red, it can also turn black depending on how hard and long the person sucks on it.

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When you scour your skin why does it turn red?

Any vigorous rubbing of the skin brings the blood to the surface in the fine capillary veins thus giving your skin a red appearance

What color will your skin turn without oxygen?

your blood is blue but as the blood reaches the surface of your skin it is red. hope this helps. Ayraayra: Your skin will turn a bluish-purplish color.

What does the idiom red as a beet mean?

This is a term used when someone turns red (blushes) because they are embarrassed.

How do you change you skin color to red purple and yellow on vizwoz?

Go on the avatar editorType in custard to turn yellowType in blackcurrant to turn purpleTo turn red I don't know if you can

Can your heart beat so fast it makes the skin around your heart turn red and then back to skin color?


What does it mean if every university girl blushes dark red with only you?

it means she likes you.

Why does your face turn red after shaving?

It's because you have very sensitive skin, I would recomend to you to use electric razor and foaming gel for sensitive skin. I use these 2 things too and my face doesnt turn red!