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Homosexual males are under pressure to conform to an ideal body weight that is about 20 pounds lighter than the standard "attractive" weight for heterosexual males

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Q: Why does anorexia strike gay men?
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Related questions

What ethnic group do anorexia affect the most?

While anorexia can affect a person of any ethnicity or race, it is most commonly seen in Caucasian lesbian women and gay men

Who are more prevalant men or women anorexia?

Anorexia affrects women to men in a ratio of about 9 to 1.

What is manoxeria?

Manorexia is Anorexia but in men.

Is sam strike?

Sam Strike is not gay. He has play gay roles in different shows and movies but has never claimed he was gay in real life.

Is counter strike gay?


What percentage of men have anorexia?

Of those suffering from anorexia, men make up only about 10% while women make up just over 90%.

How many men in the US get anorexia a year?

An estimated 1 million men.

Can gay become to men?

Gay men are already men.

Can 12 year olds get anorexia?

Yes. The youngest officially diagnosed case of anorexia was an 8 year old girl from the UK. Anorexia can strike at any age, though it is most commonly seen in teens and young adults.

How do gay men become men?

Gay men are individuals who are attracted to other men romantically and/or sexually. Sexual orientation (being gay) does not influence someone's gender identity (being a man). Men, whether straight or gay, identify as male based on their self-perception and expression.

Out of 20 people that have Anorexia how many are boys?

Out of the total amount of people that have anorexia, about 1/10 or 10% of them are boys/men.

Is there any difference why women are gay and men being gay?

When women are gay, they are interested in other women. When men are gay, they are intersted in other men